Jun 10, 2020
This week Michael starts the discussion on how the nature of self-defense will change if the Left succeeds in its war on police.
MichaelBane.TV - On the Radio episode # 23.
Scroll down for reference links on topics discussed in this
Disclaimer: The statements and opinions expressed here are our own and may not represent those of the companies we represent or any entities affiliated to it.
Host: Michael Bane
Producer: Flying Dragon Ltd.
More information and reference links:
“Violence of Mind: Training and Preparation for Extreme Violence”/Vang Freeborn
“Choosing a Home Defense Shotgun”/USCCA, Scott Wagner
“Why the Home Defense Shotgun Rules the Roost”/Gun Digest, Larry Case
“Should You Consider the AR-15 for Home Defense?”/RANGE365, Tom McHale
“Urban Rifle: 45 Years of Teaching and Training”/Clint Smith